
  • Windy Chintya Dewi University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Pipit Novita University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta




Teachers challenges, Teachers strategies, HOTS, Reading, Writing


This research aims to (1) explore teachers’ challenges in enhancing students; HOTS in reading-writing integration, and (2) explore teachers’ strategies to enhance students’ HOTS with reading-writing integration. This research used descriptive qualitative research. This subject was six English teachers who teach at Junior High Schools in Tangerang City. The technique of collecting the data used Creswell’s theory, semi-structured interview. To get the data, the researcher recorded the interview section. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis by Clarke & Braun, with identifying, analyzing, and interpreting patterns of meanings (themes) from data results. The result of this research showed that the greatest challenge for a teacher in enhancing students’ HOTS consists of (1) Students, it happened because the students have different levels of cognitive understanding, concentration, character, and also habits. (2) Curriculum, it happened because every school has a different level of curriculum, and (3) Teacher competence, happened because teacher proficiency in HOTS is very limited. The teacher strategies for enhancing students’ HOTS consist of (1) Implementing Complex multiple choice, (2) Conducting Essay Grouping, and (3) Giving Students Projects. Because of the limited time the researcher had, the conclusion in this study is still preliminary. Another researcher can use this to develop diverse research relevant to this research


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