
  • Sri Handayani Universitas Kebangsaan Republik Indonesia
  • Nana Suryana Universitas Kebangsaan Republik Indonesia
  • Cindy Sri Meidina Adeliani Universitas Kebangsaan Republik Indonesia



web-side, learning media, higher order thinking skills, reading for academic purposes


The application of e-learning as a form of cyber teaching in learning practices is regarded as no longer a new term, however, it has become a strong demand for learning practitioners to result a competitive output. The research was focused on the enhancing students’ reading skill in the level of higher order thiking skills through exploring in depth the implementation of website-based learning media in literacy-based courses considered as one of the courses required to apply internet and information-based technology, provide a more interesting and broad experience with an easily accessible media, and fun learning material and practices. The activities of designing and formulating web-based media learning process of Reading for Academic Purposes course in one private university were explored as the main data of the research. The finds indicated that five main phases in designing and formulating the web-based learning media in Reading for Academic Purposes course had to be developed. Student learning activities for higher order thinking skills were emphasized on the learning activities at the level of analyzing, evaluating, and creating with the context of applying case studies in the daily life. Developing critical questions in reading response activities, then were developed to create students’ critical thinking skills. Web-based learning media got the positive response from the students. Seen from the terms of responses of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and attitude.


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