Teacher and students’ awareness of Language use


  • Tia Gustiani UIN Bukittinggi
  • Irwandi Irwandi




English language learning


Language awareness (LA) is a term defined as the knowledge about language and language use which encompasses an awareness of language from the learner’s perspective, an awareness of the learner’s developing inter-language, and an awareness of the extent to which the language content of materials/lessons poses difficulties for students. Teacher language awareness is knowledge about language (subject-matter knowledge) and knowledge of language (language proficiency) of a teacher which is metacognitive nature. Students language awareness includes examining how language varies in a range of social and cultural settings, examining how people’s attitudes vary towards language, and examining how oral and written language affects listeners and readers. There are three types of language use: communicative language practice, structured communication practice, and authentic communication practice. Domains of language use involve three factors: topic, role relation, and locale.


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